Ben Phaychanpheng

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Real Estate, and Home Essential Services
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Real Estate, and Home Essential Services

I'm not any ordinary realtor, I'm a serving, loving, and caring one. If you or your family need a home or want to sell it. Remember me, Ben Your Agent @ Ben Your

Real Estate
Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County

Change your water and or environment change your life!

We have water, shower machines, turmeric, and radio frequency harmonize machines.

Water and Radio Frequency
Southern California
Helping families buy and sell real estate. I also sell home and business essential services like water machine, gas/electric bill discounts, internet, home security, and much more!
VWJ Ministry
Do Not Solicit Our Members. Our members have joined this ministry for the purpose of receiving business, and they request that potential customers contact them only for this purpose.