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Color Yourself Purple
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Color Yourself Purple

Color Yourself Purple encompasses several practical, drug free modalities. Which help improve our way of life. By relieving stress, help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, improve learning skills, improve communicative skills, build self esteem, build emotional awareness, build emotional & physical strength, enhance critical thinking, strengthen your cognitive abilities, raise empathy levels, enhance the physical and emotional well-being in people of all ages. Through these programs you will gain the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Achieved through therapeutic art sessions, perceptual-motor development, mindfulness, personal development, and life-coaching.

Therapeutic Art Life Coach, Artist, Art, Therapy, Art Tutor
Art with CARree

I am a professional artist, Art Tutor, and provide art lessons and commissioned art pieces as well as wearable art and framed art available to the public.

Art Lessons, Art Commissions
13343 W Foxfire Dr, Surprise, AZ 85378
(602) 614-9446
Radiant Church
Do Not Solicit Our Members. Our members have joined this ministry for the purpose of receiving business, and they request that potential customers contact them only for this purpose.