Introduction to CBP

Who We Are

We are a Christian business networking ministry. We give each other business referrals and encourage business relationships. We are Christians and we strive to do our business by Biblical standards that reflect the character of Jesus.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to build God’s kingdom, His Church, by giving and receiving business from each other through member referrals in a Christ centered environment of relationship and trust.

Mission Premises

1: We believe that one of the ways that God’s Kingdom is furthered is through our financial gifts of tithes and offerings. As we are blessed financially, we will in turn bless our individual churches and thus build the Kingdom of God. Consequently, we instruct our members to give to their churches. Malachi 3:10

2: We believe in the Biblical law of sowing and reaping. As we give it is given unto us with even greater measure. Therefore, we encourage our members to participate in this ministry with the desire to give a referral more than to receive one. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

3: We believe that it is Biblical to give our business to believers. We challenge our members to consider giving their business to a Christian first before turning to other sources. 1 Timothy 5:8

4: We believe that trust is an essential component of relationship. As we trust one another we will give and refer business to each other. We therefore encourage our members to long-term Christ-centered relationships. Proverbs 27:17

5: We are Christians. All that we do is for His praise and His glory. Therefore, our business practices and our interaction must be with His purpose in mind over our own. Colossians 3:23

A Message From Our President

Our Networking Ministry is for anyone, but not for everyone. Our Ministry is for anyone that will come, but we realize that not everyone likes the way we do things…and that’s okay with us. We refuse to cater to personal preference in our pursuit of God. While everyone is important to us, we are more concerned with building Christ-centered relationships than we are with pacifying the critics.

“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” – Amos 3:3

What a miserable journey it is when you are walking with someone who is constantly disagreeing and disagreeable. God desires us to be of one mind and one accord! It’s unrealistic to think that we will agree on everything; however, we will agree on most things. There is a beauty in diversity and ugliness in divisiveness. 

There will be some disagreements along the way, but not on major issues. Yet, if this CBP family does not inspire you to worship Jesus, it’s best to find another networking group and go for it in Christ! It is not God’s will for you to be complaining all the time, but to be worshiping all the time! 

I love and appreciate the many good networking groups and organizations in our communities. The Lord will put you where He needs you! We cannot, and we will not make changes just because someone doesn’t like this or that. If it were so, we would be changing each and every week. Instead, we are following Jesus with passion and we invite you on the journey! – Alex Giannetti – President of Christian Business Partners